Back to Sweet Taipei!


這個週末跟久違的好友們相約,這才得知我的美艷好友小花小姐在短短兩個月內已經成立甜點工作室珍妮費爾法式手作甜點,還記得出發前跟同一群朋友相約,結果一個不留神餐桌上就放滿手作檸檬塔和極度考驗甜點製作技巧的 layer cake,而且還是我最愛的覆盆子口味,當下簡直感動到立馬想要在合菜餐廳大哭一場(幸好我有hold住)!嘴裡吃的一層層鬆軟的覆盆子蛋糕,混合著濃郁莓果香氣的慕斯口感內餡,就著熱茶,趕緊再吃一口灑滿檸檬皮絲的超 petite 檸檬塔,還沒吃就先聞到濃郁的檸檬果香,咬下塔皮時口感扎實帶有層次,接著吃到酸甜綿滑的檸檬餡,又帶有些許奶油香氣,平衡了檸檬酸度,在俐落明快中依舊保持甜美可人,就像甜點師傅本人 - 小花小姐一樣。


Finally back in Taipei after 2 months trip in Europe. Just right at the moment when I’m finally able to indulge myself in Asian cuisine, I start missing the incredibly delicious French dessert at the same time. Now looking back to my time in Europe, it seems like a colourful dream that I enjoyed so much, yet I know that it’s also time for myself to get back to my own life track again in Taipei.

A bit challenging, I know, to handle this “I love to be where I am, but just also miss being somewhere else.” kind of dilemma.

Luckily I had this sweet date with my girls this weekend, also found out my best friend, Jennifer, has just established her own pastry studio within the past couple months (while I was away!). All the Frenchy goodies, lemon tart, raspberry layer cake, chocolate tart and caramel walnut snack…I feel like being in a dream, again!

So far my No. 1 favourite is lemon tart, just incredibly gorgeous, both from looking and tasting! Refreshing citric flavour, and then comes a mouthful delight mixing with creamy filling and a quite strong sour ending. Elegant balance, the acidity just brings out all the characters of a charming lemon tart that I’ve ever dream of!

Also tasted Mont Blanc this weekend, the best benefit of having a pastry chef as your best friend! So, just at the first weekend when I got back to Taipei from a long trip in Europe, I feel I’m in France, once again.

If you want to try these beautifully tasty Frenchy dessert, write to her now!



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