2015 歐洲亂遊 Europe Trip - 打包與人生 Pack and Life.(English version follows)





想到當年的峇里島,那些當時以為會派上用場但想當然是沒有的雞勒行李,和肩頸差點拉傷的慘痛經驗,這次的歐洲之旅打包的輕巧又快速,在機場check-in時螢幕顯示11公斤,當場立刻自我感覺良好;加上每站停留時準備的伴手禮,所以又另外又背了一個大約4公斤的聖誕老人肩背包,但總之我的肩膀沒有太多抱怨anbelievablew many thing  I diso﷽﷽



Once I unbelievably packed a 20kg luggage for a 5 days trip to Bali. Right after this sunny relaxing trip, arriving back home at the front door of my building, I found myself swearing and dragging my definitely way too heavy luggage all the way up to 5th floor. No elevator. Just me, nonstop cursing and my tense biceps. If they ever exist.

At that moment I promise myself, never over pack again, ever.

2 weeks before my Europe trip this year, packing, again bothers me, deeply. I check the weather and then find out it’s gonna be only 9 degrees in London and Amsterdam in early June. What happened to Europe? Shouldn’t it supposed to be nice and sunny and lovely early summer time? And since I will be in Italy during July, so I also need to pack for sunny hot southern Europe. All these facts are not making packing easy at all. 2 different seasons and 7 cities, should I get my 20kg luggage out again?

Then I think of all those beautiful but difficult to walk on stone pavements in many cities in Europe, and also the necessary elevators which I can never find in the stations. Yes, now I make up my mind. Here is my 20 inches carry-on luggage.

Travel is like life, there are always nice people who are willing to give a hand, but still, all the weights are just on ourselves.

Whilst I pack this time, I keep thinking of those things I packed for my Bali trip. Those items I thought I’d use, but actually never did, not even once I took them out during my trip. This time I learned my lesson, 11 kg when I checked in at the airport. And yes, I feel like a proud traveler. Of course there is another hand-carry, about 4 kg, with all the gifts/ souvenirs that I want to bring to my old and new friends in Europe. So 15 kgs in total, still manageable.

After 2 months in Europe, amazingly there is still some stuff that I never use. And one interesting fact I discover, that actually I’m lacking of nothing, during this whole trip.

Then I can’t stop wondering, if we see travel as a miniature of life, how many things we need to have, in order to truly enjoy the moment?


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