2015 歐洲亂遊 Europe Trip – It’s now, or never.(English version follows)


在這之前,我的旅行向來精簡輕鬆,最多2個禮拜,目的地通常一個,出發前一定已經找好可以投靠的當地朋友,直奔目的地後就開始進行假扮當地人的寄生蟲爽玩行程,完全不費力是我的旅行最高指導原則。這次出發前我看著半調子行前規劃,為期2個月、總共四個國家的旅行,雖然也有訪友,但大部分還是 fly solo,就我和我自己和一個行李箱。有點手腳發軟,會不會玩太大了?


有時人生就是這樣,It’s now, or never.

一開始旅行的動機其實是為了一圓追星夢。兩三年前,有天在朋友臉書上無意間看到一個youtube連結,臉書成癮症患者如我順手點開隨意聽聽,是一個叫做Jovanotti Lorenzo的義大利歌手。當下只覺得歌聲不錯但也沒有驚為天人、音樂風格簡單、旋律輕鬆,順耳輕鬆的pop music,很適合當作工作時背景音樂,有個什麼在那、卻完全不干擾。聽著聽著,忽然某一個時刻,有一個什麼進到我的心裡,我忽然停下手邊所有事情

那男人是誰?他在唱什麼?到底是為了什麼這男人的歌聲在我腦袋裡踢都踢不走?於是一連串google 搜尋和翻譯,好像這男人唱的每一首歌都是情歌,每一首都關於愛,聽著依舊很順耳,順耳到最後我沒法把這男人和他的音樂從我腦袋裡趕走,簡直就是中邪。但總是有個隱約的疑惑,這些愛來愛去的歌詞怎麼聽來又好像不完全是情歌?我始終想不通為什麼,直到有天看到Jovanotti義大利巡演的訊息,所以我決定直接去那裡找答案。






旅程中段時我終於來到夢想成真的這一刻,米蘭、演唱會、San Siro球場、6萬個觀眾;我看著這個我無可藥救迷戀的男人,站在舞台上又唱又跳,史上最迷人大叔也是永遠青春的男孩,隨著音樂整個人閃耀著無可比擬的光芒,和始終清澈的微笑;我距離主舞台大概100公尺,Jovanotti好小一個,我每一刻都感動的想要大哭當他唱著演唱會終曲也是我最愛的一首歌A Te時,聽著聽著我真哭了。



Summer 2015, I started my first long solo in life, destination Europe. As a professional procrastinator, and also a traveler who always prefer easy path, this time I set up my mind, a small luggage for 2 months in Europe, 4 countries, and fly solo.

Sometimes life is like that. It’s now, or never.

And the first reason I started this journey was just to see my most beloved man’s concert in Italy. Lorenzo Jovanotti. That simple.

Couple years ago, one day I randomly saw and clicked a youtube link on a friend’s FB. Easy listening pop music and a nice voice, all in Italian, not a single word I can understand. Perfect for background music at work, and that’s it. After listening for a while, all of a sudden, something got into my mind, and I just needed to stop whatever I was doing at that moment.

Who is this man? What is he singing? Why can’t I get this tune and his voice out of my head?

Those questions haunt me for several months, and then lead to some google search and translation work, and eventually, my compulsion to book a concert ticket in Milan, and then my very not-making-much-sense 2 months travel plan, including London, Cardiff, Cheltenham, Amsterdam, Paris, Milan, Salisano and Rome.

That’s why and how I started my Europe trip 2015.

Like geocaching, always something nice and bad happen at every stop, met some old friends, whom I’ve missed for so long, and also some new friends who make me feel they are long lost friends right away. Some amazing moments, and of course, some annoying or awkward ones that I just couldn't help thinking…what have I done to get myself into this...

Anyways, back to the concert. In the middle of my trip, a Saturday night in late June, after wandering in Europe for 1 month. Here I am, at San Siro Stadium in Milan, with 60,000 people together, seeing Jovanotti so radiant on the stage. Finally. I made it. All these silly efforts just to hear him singing my most beloved song, A Te. The song that made me fall in love with his voice and music at the very fist place.

There is always something, no matter good or bad, in travel, in life, and in whatever we are doing. That something just makes a certain moment incredibly charming. In the end of this journey, I finally realise that the trip itself becomes a process of unfolding the treasure hunt map. I wouldn’t be able to know what the treasure is, until the end. And at that very moment, like things just all got crystal clear, my not-making-much-sense trip finally makes sense, in an unexpected yet beautiful way, alongside with the answer I’ve been looking for such a long time.

But I guess that’s another story then.     

A te - Lorenzo Jovanotti Cherubini - https://goo.gl/0dSYhY


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