2015 Euro Trip_Recipe of the day 西西里燉茄子前菜 Caponata(English version follows)

這次的義大利之旅原本想要一鼓作氣直奔我的夢想之地 西西里,無奈旅行尾聲後繼無力外加錢包被扒回台北後也過來,稱職的當個觀光客。﷽–﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽海島,﷽﷽,於是只能認命的打包回台北。


在羅馬時遭遇當地10年以來最濕熱的夏天,隨時都讓人昏昏欲睡;有天有機會吃到常見的西西里前菜 – Caponata,清爽的各式蔬菜堆疊出口感層次,醋和酸豆的酸香也稱職的擔任了開胃的角色,大量的蕃茄讓整道菜濃郁豐富,清脆油香的松子則讓整道菜立時鮮活了起來。





西西里燉茄子 Caponata4人份)
食譜來自Memorie di Angelina - http://goo.gl/Jsr4IY

2個  紫色圓茄子(大),選擇結實的圓茄,切成約2x2cm方塊
1個  紫洋蔥(小),切成約1x1cm方塊
2根  西洋芹,切成約1x1cm方塊
1罐  罐頭去皮整顆番茄250g),切成約1x1cm方塊(或可選用罐裝番茄粒)
2瓣  大蒜,切碎

適量  奧勒岡香料 Oregano           
適量  巴西利香料 Parsley     
2 tbsp  小酸豆 Capers                           
8~10顆  去核綠橄欖                       
1小把  松子,稍微烤黃
適量  鹽、黑胡椒                    
2~3 tbsp  巴薩米克醋,或一般紅酒醋也可以
適量  特級橄欖油


3. 酸豆和橄欖濾乾水分,和醋一同加入鍋中翻炒到稍微收乾。
4. 加入番茄粒和少許水,燉煮約15分鐘。
5. 起鍋前用鹽、黑胡椒、醋調味,撒上巴西里及松子;上桌前滴上些許橄欖油。

When I was traveling in Italy this time, I thought to go all the way south to my dream land – Sicily. Yet unfortunately my wallet got stolen and also energy level running low at the end of my trip, I can only reluctantly pack back to Taipei.

A friend who once who travel to Sicily told me that the local cuisine is surprisingly familiar to our way in Taiwan. Maybe because of the island climate and hot weather, we share similar cooking ways in terms of strong flavour, deep-fried and loads fresh seafood. And that makes me even more curious about Sicilian food.

When I was in Rome this time, it was the hottest summer this year over the past decade, all the heat and damp just hit me right when I got there, sleepwalking on the street everyday.

One day I got the chance to taste the common and famous Sicilian antipasto – Caponata in Rome. Different kinds of vegetable build up a refreshing taste of beautiful textures, sourness from vinegar and capers bring me a good appetite, tomato wrap all together with such a rich flavour. And last but not least, the slightly baked golden pine nuts make this whole dish more lively and bright on the tongue. 

At that certain moment, I was actually deadly missing all the Asian food I can easily get around my street. I felt a bit weak, I’ve missed home for too long. And this simple vege antipasto, made me finally awaken and satisfied, both my stomach and home-sick mind. Moreover, to have enough strength, to continue my journey, and also to hopelessly yet hopefully fight against this crazy summer heat.

I start searching recipes after getting back to Taipei, in order to bring myself back to that away yet back home moment, the magical one.

Sometimes we travel so far, to look for a way home; or maybe when we are feeling upset about not trying hard enough, we just need to turn to see all these whole new scenes.

Oh Sicily, I see you next time!

Recipe here at Memorie di Angelina - http://goo.gl/Jsr4IY


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