Bar scene (2010/10/26)

He is drinking rum with fresh lemon juice on top with a tea spoon of sugar. Even there is a slight of sick feeling in his stomach.

She walks into the bar, sits by the window. Her date orders rum with fresh lemon juice and sugar on rocks for her, then comes to her with drinks in hand. Her face slightly leans to the window to feel the coldness on the glass.

She sees him drinking by the bar; he sees her holding another man’s arm.

[10] Snow falling from the sky dyes the street white.

[9] He recalls it was exactly the same kind of cold white day when they met.

[8] She is trying to remember him in every single veiled thought

[7] Rum tastes like the sun light on the beach.

[6] Chatting on the street becomes a riot.

[5] He wonders, there was never a fight.

[4] She can’t understand since when they lost laugh.

[3] Band is still playing right by the door.

[2] There is nothing left.

[1] Since when love became a dot.

The new year firework is spreading and lightening the whole sky.  

He says quietly “I wish she’ll be happy.”

She whispers in her head “I wish he’ll be happy.”

Sketch is by courtesy of Jill Chien. 


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